
Glbal News
March 2005

Misconceptions About PC Virus Protection
With an extremely high volume of virus and associated attacks being reported on a daily basis, I thought it was time to again cover some of the basics to protect your systems.

Many people run their PC systems in the mistaken belief that they are completely protected from virus and other attacks. Below are some of the common beliefs about PC security and some solutions:

“I’m protected; My ISP does virus checking for me!”

This one is a real problem. Internet service providers have introduced virus scanning within e-mail systems, a great idea, but it does NOT provide you with virus protection for your PC. All this does is attempt to remove viruses from within e-mails. It does not provide any protection from many other ways of getting a virus on your PC.

“I’m protected; I got a virus checker with my PC 3 years ago!”

Many new PC systems are supplied with a virus checker, but these have to be renewed on a regular basis by paying a fee to the supplier of the anti virus program. If you are using such a system and do not pay for updates your virus checker is worthless.

“I’m protected; My virus checker is paid for and it runs automatically!”

Even with the virus checker running you should ensure that it is checking for new data files every few days and that it is scanning your hard drives at least weekly. Also remember to individually check any files introduced to your PC via e-mail, a download, CD or floppy disk.

“I’m protected; I do all the proper regular checks with my anti virus program!”

You are doing all the right stuff with your virus program, but are you protected? Remember the Blaster Virus that attacked Win XP and Win 2000 PCs? This came in via a security hole in the operating system and was not detected by virus checkers at the time. To avoid such programs you must run “Windows Update” on your PC on a regular basis.

“I’m protected against viruses, but what else can go wrong”

You are doing all the right stuff with your virus program, windows updates etc. but what else can go wrong? To avoid hackers getting to your PC while you are online you can install a firewall.

To avoid your system being taken over by Adware and Spyware you need to regularly run a program to remove these items.

To avoid running programs that you do not want or even know they exist, NEVER open an email attachment, run a downloaded file or click on “yes” to anything unless you are absolutely sure what it is.

Be very wary of “free” programs, these can easily hijack your system and take over programs like Internet Explorer. You will see offers for programs like, Hotbar, Kazza, Incredimail, screen savers, programs that offer funny faces for you to use in your e-mail system, even online virus checkers or PC check up tools. It is wise not to use any programs like this unless you are fully aware of the consequences.

A general note for all the family businesses –

Business PCs and the kids do not mix!

Get the kids a PC of their own and do not let them near a PC that is vital for your business. The kids will download MP3 music via P2P networks and all sorts of other stuff “just for a look” leaving your PC wide open to attack!

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